lnmarkets.com Lightning Node

lnmarkets.com Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias lnmarkets.com
Last update Nov. 6, 2024, 7:30 a.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Amboss communities LN Markets  
BOS Score #94 (11235955 points)
Terminal Score #1 (100000000 points)
Channels 272

Capacity Peer
200000000 ACINQ
200000000 ACINQ
200000000 LNBϟG [Edge-4]
102000000 Megalithic.me
101688241 TangoBolt
100000000 ACINQ
100000000 cyberdyne.sh
100000000 1sats.com⚡️lsp.flashsats.xyz
100000000 Zap-O-Matic
100000000 ACINQ
100000000 Strike
94075498 LNBϟG [Edge-3]
88888888 LNBϟG [Hub-1]
50000000 yalls.org yalls-tor
50000000 Zap-O-Matic
50000000 Orange Sunrise
50000000 LNBϟG [Edge-4]
50000000 allNice | torq.co
50000000 allNice | torq.co
32000000 kenovios
30000000 The Rising Ra ☀️
30000000 yalls.org clearnet-yalls
30000000 BitcoinVoucherBot-X
30000000 LN-Fukaya Japan
25000000 MindlinerTre
25000000 OpenNode.com
25000000 conxole.io
25000000 031015a7839468a3c
23906265 🚀RocketNode🚀
21000000 BitcoinVN 22
21000000 gryphon🐾
20000000 LNChamp
20000000 sparksNode 💥
20000000 Garlic🧄
20000000 90511edf48b448df8c97c5
20000000 Nightfort
20000000 allNice | torq.co
20000000 KryptoKragon
20000000 ⚡satstacker⚡
20000000 The Continental
20000000 carlslight
16829112 LNBϟG [Hub-1]
16777215 None
16777215 031015a7839468a3c
16777215 Blixt Wallet 🟡
16777215 None
16777215 02442d4249f9a93464aaf8cd8d522faa
16777215 031015a7839468a3c
16449441 Calculus
16000000 mrpink [TS]
15678901 _LEGALIZE_MATH_
15035000 Colusa
15000000 The Lightning Advantage
15000000 NodeNebula
15000000 BoS
15000000 Sigwo Industries
14200416 borsche(.Y.)cln0
12500000 ⚡blitz⚡
12000000 Harry Potter [node]⚡️
12000000 NP4TT
11000000 HanzoNode
11000000 None
10210000 HappySpork
10101010 ⚡️MasterYoda⚡
10100000 Tatooine
10000000 Azteco
10000000 IBEX_Routing
10000000 DiamondHands💎🙌
10000000 Bank The Planet
10000000 LudwigTheAustrian
10000000 Friendspool | BR⚡LN
10000000 eklipse
10000000 NorthernStar
10000000 N21
10000000 tka.jp
10000000 Tiger 🐯 | BR⚡️LN
10000000 Redin 🎌
10000000 betheball
10000000 Satashi Labs
10000000 🦁BayerLB🦁
10000000 ElSalvadorPayments
10000000 Rising Tide
10000000 carefuleagle2
10000000 rkfg
10000000 c=
10000000 Node63
10000000 NikolaTesla
10000000 Syndicate ~ ИetworK
10000000 Forever Laura | CLN
10000000 Satway
10000000 connect-to-this-node-please
10000000 PIGFAT2
10000000 bfx-lnd0
10000000 Sunshine Canyon
10000000 flashsats.xyz
10000000 Unchained ⛓ Satoshis
10000000 Node42
10000000 bakamoto
10000000 Depeche Node
10000000 ⚡ LN PLEB 🚀
10000000 wyssblitz
10000000 Shockwave Rider
10000000 MicelioMadrid
10000000 LOOP tor-connect
9701338 satoshihouse1
9500400 LATES
9385373 Denaro Libre 🌞
9000000 i'llTryAnythingOnce
8888888 W3atherL1ght
8372499 bconworld⚡|CLN
8000000 DarkMoney
8000000 Megaptera
8000000 stingy_with_satoshis
8000000 RatPoison
7737379 kravens.nl
7700000 Towiz⚡
7667308 twntyone
7589999 ln.solid
7500000 opaque-umbra
7000000 pedroLND
7000000 RAϟKO
6783772 xmrk reloaded
6540000 PhatChan4U
6331639 noserver4u | CLN
6000000 yanabu.com [Korea]
6000000 Matrix⚡Defekt
6000000 Voltz Hub | BR⚡️LN
6000000 AZ Capital
6000000 StormFront
6000000 Frode-lightning
6000000 tomorrow-alpha
6000000 Decentral Station
6000000 RedBear2nd
6000000 johnny-lightning
6000000 secluded
5613453 payBTC
5500000 BitcoinIsHope
5300000 LightningSats
5300000 Satograms
5183780 FixTheMoneyFixTheWorld
5169420 ⚡G-Spot-21_69_420⚡
5100714 None
5100000 manreo.github.io
5100000 Noderunner
5089170 YOLOSpirit ✌️💓🌟🚯
5050000 Imamura
5042690 Go Brrr | LND
5000001 LightningPlaces.com
5000000 Ledger Zeppelin
5000000 LQwD-Australia
5000000 DeltaSwap
5000000 None
5000000 OrangeCoins
5000000 None
5000000 Lightning Satoshi Vision
5000000 NERV
5000000 YOLOSpirit ✌️💓🌟🚯
5000000 Skylar
5000000 RecyclingStation
5000000 VIVA La Lightning
5000000 Ocean Satoshi
5000000 None
5000000 None
5000000 CandyCorn
5000000 LN Fast Track
5000000 None
5000000 Hermes⚡Conrad
5000000 Pitko
5000000 freedominchaos
5000000 bxm
5000000 krut42
5000000 glr.com.py
5000000 lazydrone
5000000 NonNoDino
5000000 0/0.001 Fee | Baby Shark
5000000 None
5000000 None
5000000 FederalReverse☇
5000000 BitcoinIsTheAnswer
5000000 Authenticity
5000000 j24ukko
5000000 None
5000000 KRYPTOSPHERE (kryptosphere.org)
5000000 lessefer
5000000 Taeping
5000000 HotPanics
5000000 Covfefe315
5000000 Martian Bitcoin
5000000 BetweenBits1
5000000 BENCOIN
5000000 singularpoint
5000000 ColomBiaP2P
5000000 gasparri-hodl
5000000 Fi4free
5000000 🇨🇭Vix18
5000000 LifeIsGood
5000000 Muota
5000000 HODLmeTight
5000000 TOFU_ON_FIRE 📛
5000000 Lightning Checkout
5000000 GlobularPlayer
5000000 BaenreGod
5000000 None
5000000 MUTATRUM
5000000 Luna
5000000 Angelina Paris
5000000 Madibex
5000000 Satoshi Monkey Business
5000000 GoldmanSachs
5000000 5satoshi
5000000 PIGFAT2
5000000 TheSpielplatz
5000000 Gewitterwoelkchen
5000000 NCSWIC.
5000000 RLightning
5000000 Umbasa
5000000 Emin Yurusimasu👨🏻‍🏫
5000000 YOLOSpirit ✌️💓🌟🚯
5000000 BitDorf
5000000 None
5000000 ⚡RBlitzOne⚡
5000000 Erebor Mining Co.
5000000 chicken
5000000 Olympus by ZEUS
5000000 Sunny Sarah ☀️
5000000 TennisNbtc
5000000 tgk
5000000 NOMOS
5000000 DiamondHands💎🙌
5000000 GBNode
5000000 Kazumyon
5000000 St_Paul | BR⚡️LN
5000000 rainy-day
5000000 node1.walletano.com
5000000 👻RouteMASTER🛸
5000000 diyREBEL
5000000 FalconHeavy
5000000 F-Node2022
5000000 The Conductor
5000000 ItsHard
5000000 None
5000000 Ochra
5000000 Happy Banana 😃🍌
5000000 Lucky.Dog
3300000 Rayo-y-Libertad
3000000 Obi-Wan Cryptobi
2001000 njvijay.lightning1
2000000 fixedsupply
2000000 Transylvania
1500000 HubSat⚡️lowfees
1000000 basaltmagnostempest
1000000 layingpipe.io
1000000 sevenflowerln1
1000000 CascoSat
1000000 hodl.fi
1000000 CeesMeij
1000000 None
1000000 GoldmanSachs
1000000 None
1000000 BambergCityNode5
1000000 None
1000000 HouseofBlockchain
1000000 Kanagawa Cat Alliance
1000000 Decentra-LN ✨⚡
1000000 None
1000000 dm8try_btc.lnd [myNode]
1000000 None
1000000 4221
503664 None