ln.solid Lightning Node

ln.solid Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias ln.solid
Last update Jan. 10, 2025, 12:56 p.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Amboss communities Nodestrich   Diamond Hands  
Terminal Score #97 (34942528 points)
Channels 80

Capacity Peer
68662381 LNBϟG [Hub-1]
13735252 LNBϟG [Hub-1]
11954546 cyberdyne.sh
11755616 bfx-lnd1
10888801 xmrk reloaded
10888801 LNBϟG [Hub-1]
10790688 ThunderHorse2
10499401 AngSianLND
10409151 allNice | torq.co | second.tech
10388301 LunaLightning🌙⚡
10377301 LN-Fukaya Japan
10344301 Rust-eze (now BoltTrustiC)
10216969 scarce-city
10166101 TheOlympian
10099001 Maski.Guatemala protonmail.com
10099001 Shockwave Rider
10099001 BitKassa LN34961 [LND]
10099001 Satbase.org
10029286 Red Lion Universal Bank
10000000 ⚡⚡CHARGED⚡⚡
10000000 Relatively Irrelevant
9567654 pi.hub
9341798 Boltz
9000000 Tatooine
8902378 antinoderati
8536119 CentralWankers_CLN
8055508 Hermes⚡Conrad
8055508 MUTATRUM
8055508 wobloz
8055508 The Nodestrich ♾️
8055508 rainy-day
8000000 balbyBTCnode
7589999 lnmarkets.com
7558557 Sandcat🐈 | CLN
6358536 LATES
6170278 Friendspool | BR⚡LN
5999995 Authenticity
5999995 TennisNbtc
5877785 NCSWIC.
5877785 TangoBolt
5786875 Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
5778775 sendNodes.space
5761201 CoinPayments
5541455 ClearMoney⚡
5541455 Sunshine Canyon
5540455 ⚡️MasterYoda⚡
5528255 Orange Sunrise
5317325 LudwigTheAustrian
5192228 lazydrone
5124218 LQwD-Canada
5110550 flashsats.xyz
5079426 None
5077398 CoinGate
5072705 None
5052557 Babylon-4a
5050918 8DegreesWO
5018105 Ochra
5009556 rockshouse
5000000 None
4778774 flypdev
4322340 MindlinerTre
4011104 bfx-lnd1
4011104 stacker.news
4011104 Aldebaran
4011104 Imamura
4000000 Garlic🧄
3211234 LNServerFocus
3211234 slicksparks.ky
3211234 U got IT
3211234 SCP-096
3211234 033769 💚 💚 💚
3211234 LightningPlaces.com
3000000 unconsumed
3000000 Jimmy's Lightning Rod 🍆
2998516 rkfg
2000000 speedupln.com
1138876 ln1.BitcoLi.com
1021000 one⚡million⚡sats
1000000 kittyboy