Jimmy's Lightning Rod 🍆 Lightning Node

Jimmy's Lightning Rod 🍆 Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias Jimmy's Lightning Rod 🍆
Last update Dec. 18, 2024, 12:15 a.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Amboss communities #GSpotSuperNode   Satoshi Radio   Diamond Hands   PLEBNET  
Terminal Score #343 (10328638 points)
Channels 39

Capacity Peer
10000000 ln.coinos.io
10000000 ACINQ
10000000 Drexore
10000000 Zaba⚡
10000000 allNice | torq.co
10000000 UmbrelReach
10000000 Shire_Society_Federation
10000000 RecklessApotheosis
10000000 BITCOIN
5000000 ⚡Fiat Lux⚡
5000000 T🌮CO
5000000 LNDWarden
5000000 CentralWankers_CLN
4000000 🦑 Release the Kraken 🦑
4000000 Corny Badger
3000000 Colusa
3000000 rkfg
3000000 Ziggy Stardust
3000000 ln.solid
3000000 U got IT
3000000 unconsumed
2500000 lightning.xyz
2100000 F-Node2022
2000000 start9-0x4df70c10dde19ff1
2000000 sunlight3
2000000 AYRServer
2000000 vLightPay
1000000 LoveOverFear
1000000 Strawberry
1000000 nexondo
1000000 Tierra
1000000 Volvic
1000000 Craycroft
1000000 None
1000000 TheobromaSatoshi
1000000 Dalvik_A4F0
1000000 ⚡💯​🏁​
1000000 Mescalito
1000000 ziostanko