Voltage Lightning Node

Voltage Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias Voltage
Last update Jan. 22, 2025, 12:20 a.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
BOS Score #297 (4494382 points)
Terminal Score #79 (39729119 points)
Channels 157

Capacity Peer
100000000 LNBϟG [Hub-2]
88888888 LNBϟG [Hub-1]
65000000 Satbase.org
50000000 paxful
50000000 Voltage-C2
50000000 Voltage-c1
30000000 Kraken 🐙⚡
30000000 Kraken 🐙⚡
30000000 Kraken 🐙⚡
25000000 Strike
21000000 Orange Sunrise
20200200 pi.hub
20000000 Nightfort
20000000 Binance
20000000 fewsats
20000000 amber-app
20000000 allNice | torq.co | second.tech
20000000 Binance
16777215 None
16777215 031015a7839468a3c
15000000 raiju
13333333 LOOP tor-connect
12000000 cyberdyne.sh
12000000 Harry Potter [node]⚡️
10100000 Tatooine
10000000 peachy
10000000 Garlic🧄
10000000 LV-426 🌌
10000000 betheball
10000000 MicelioMadrid
10000000 SpicyCthulhu
10000000 okx
10000000 NikolaTesla
10000000 sparkseer.space / lnnodeinsight
10000000 None
10000000 okx
10000000 Sunny Sarah ☀️
10000000 Authenticity
10000000 Rising Tide
10000000 c=
10000000 Zap-O-Matic
10000000 🦁BayerLB🦁
9000000 ByzantineGeneralSpecific
8548475 ObtuseMustang
8000000 DarkMoney
8000000 Babylon-4a
8000000 LNServerFocus
8000000 freepleb
6500000 ⚡️MasterYoda⚡
6364000 LightTheClassic
6000000 IsTheJuiceWorthTheSqueeze?
6000000 Azteco
6000000 LudwigTheAustrian
6000000 lazydrone
5900000 amber-app
5500000 BTC Nigeria
5100000 theGig
5000000 🕊️ born to be free 🕊️
5000000 Taeping
5000000 1sats.com⚡️lsp.flashsats.xyz
5000000 Satway
5000000 yellowcard-collection
5000000 LifeIsGood
5000000 ACINQ
5000000 rkfg
5000000 ln1.kvapay.com
5000000 Angelina Paris
5000000 FlyingHawk-Blitz
5000000 Information-Rights-Project
5000000 None
5000000 Olympus by ZEUS
5000000 Covfefe315
5000000 1satrouting
5000000 Gapcloser
5000000 Lucky.Dog
5000000 Ron Miel
5000000 AF_reload
5000000 Kazumyon
5000000 bathhouse-zaprite-ln
5000000 Volarte⚡
5000000 nothing cooking
5000000 blobhub-lightning
5000000 God Bless ₿itcoin
5000000 CryptoPhil
5000000 Fulcrum
4700000 GetBit-Money
4296684 🧀
4100000 bitcoin01
4000000 BitcoinTimes
4000000 Aldebaran
4000000 BitcoinIsHope
4000000 Shockwave Rider
3500000 datablock
3000000 prod-sats-capital
3000000 satoshis.place
3000000 torogoz🥷
3000000 Phantom-Power-Music
3000000 ⚡Unlimited Power|CLN⚡
3000000 PIGFAT2
2515472 start9-1uado5gb6
2500000 BlakeTCollin
2492012 HeldenLight
2100000 Vermilion Gym
2000000 btcptest
2000000 F You Money! 01
2000000 BYOBnHODL
2000000 Noderunner
2000000 BoltLounge
2000000 start9-0x4df70c10dde19ff1
2000000 tunestr
2000000 12Moons
2000000 PaulsCode
1900000 F-Node2022
1500000 Decentralized
1500000 lightningspore.com
1500000 YooMD
1500000 None
1500000 360swim.com 🏊🌊⚡
1500000 trammell-ventures-lightning
1400000 fulcrum3-sandbox-std
1400000 QvaPay ⚡️✔✔
1100000 Buzz9474
1021000 one⚡million⚡sats
1000013 13Node
1000000 BitcoinPlebs.de
1000000 tokyo
1000000 albino48
1000000 VIVA La Lightning
1000000 wolf-1
1000000 FirstMoon
1000000 MUTATRUM
1000000 IOX
1000000 elurretan
1000000 ohm-g
1000000 chief-ofori
1000000 LuxuriousLemur✨
1000000 bigfatjuicygirthynodefromgod
1000000 Little Cozy Node 🕯
500000 atlasarmsresearch
500000 trial-balloon
500000 nostrfreaks
500000 Satbase.org
500000 Zaprite (01)
500000 bathhouse-zaprite-ln
500000 avp163ln1
500000 One Love Bitcoin
500000 syncro
500000 GetBit-Money
500000 Amboss.Space
500000 bolt-base
500000 V4VAPP Hive Bridge
500000 new-zealand-official-node
500000 gkrizek
500000 BitcoinTimes
500000 dragonsland
500000 find-my-massager
500000 TaurusNode