Voltage-c1 Lightning Node

Voltage-c1 Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias Voltage-c1
Last update April 24, 2024, 9:30 a.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Amboss communities Malaysia Nodes⚡️🇲🇾  
Terminal Score #301 (22134387 points)
Channels 218

Capacity Peer
50000000 Voltage
20492921 BCash_Is_Trash
20000000 allNice | torq.co
20000000 libredos
20000000 libre.org
16777215 None
16777215 Blixt Wallet 🟡
16413946 LNBϟG [Hub-2]
12000000 connect-to-this-node-please
12000000 Veritas Immortalis
12000000 cyberdyne.sh
10000040 Zap-O-Matic
10000000 Garlic🧄
10000000 NodeMcNodyface2000
10000000 SYZYGY
10000000 rockshouse
10000000 The Wall
10000000 Azteco
10000000 The Continental
10000000 None
9475126 vajra
8000000 Harry Potter [node]⚡️
6067425 kssdeinauge
5661909 DeutscheBank|CLN
5000000 zlnd6
5000000 rainy-day
5000000 RecklessApotheosis
5000000 1sats.com⚡️lsp.flashsats.xyz
4999998 MrQuiche
4100000 HappySpork
4000000 Wexopay
3198000 AngSianLND
3000000 Chameleon
3000000 AbyzLND
3000000 diba-ln
3000000 flashsats.xyz
2563081 desert-dingo
2513891 valker
2500000 TensorDrive
2179092 Lite Roast
2121212 Qew-Node
2000000 QuantX
2000000 FromTheRiver2TheSea
2000000 BBE2
2000000 Sunny Sarah ☀️
2000000 LQwD-Canada
1997217 glr.com.py
1976629 Jabberwalkee
1500000 SteelRat
1500000 kunos⚡️
1460033 steinwaldsoft
1250000 sats-teas-tisanes
1000000 SwanBTC
1000000 gasparri-hodl
1000000 MUTATRUM
1000000 Little Cozy Node 🕯
800000 wexopaySTG
745515 HeldenLight
722352 cln
700000 None
680000 FluxCompensator
625094 GALIANO
625000 speakapp
500000 cl-voltage-lite
500000 sandbar
500000 dominate-mainnet
500000 picnic-join-us-here
500000 HeartBit
500000 ALSGoldenWestChapter
500000 lightning-proton
500000 Descubre Bitcoin
500000 test-node1
500000 Steve-lighting-node
500000 stugg-rides-the-lightning
500000 sats4tips
500000 beyla-wallib
500000 Synaptent
500000 bitcoin-lightening-node
500000 bitnob-lnd-2
500000 canadian-bitcoin-conference
500000 lite-node-mangrove
500000 bucky
500000 LightningBridge
500000 pacmanistan
500000 JoeNode
500000 NaasTestNode
500000 Rangel
500000 satoshihouse1
500000 crcconv-testnet
500000 bitnob-lnd-3
500000 YooMD
500000 there-is-no-end
500000 Wexopay
500000 Infinet-Wallet-Node
500000 Baldor1
500000 nodofulminio
500000 NodesVoltage
500000 Dujon-Sonkar
500000 yanabu.com [Korea]
500000 allbits
500000 lifecrafting
500000 MrBits
500000 frylock
500000 Puree [Fire]
500000 Bitcoin Ubuntu
500000 anchorline
500000 diba-ln
500000 satoshienergy
500000 User21952
500000 ROGER9000NODES
500000 harsha-alice
500000 lnd-amal
500000 kornpow-store
500000 OMG21
500000 SatoshiMarket-KR
500000 rustrelay
500000 old-ketucky-home
500000 Northernvoice
500000 3NCRYPT3D
500000 Gresham-is-wrong
500000 Bitrequest
500000 frigg-wallib
500000 ScipIO
500000 kmn-ln
500000 Joltz-2
500000 🦢 Swan Bitcoin ⚡
500000 twineserve
500000 bitcoinnatal
500000 Alaska171
500000 luke-one
500000 PLN
500000 speakapp
500000 btc-display
500000 ConnectTheDots
500000 daves-node
500000 LightningVend
500000 Verum
500000 puhbuhruh
500000 proofpe
500000 dv-amanda
500000 volvnode
500000 bitcoiner-freelance-LND
500000 btc-nodes2
500000 SpiralisES
500000 jdp-lightning-node
500000 DirPayCoin
500000 Wexopay
500000 Drjid-Lightning ✨
500000 lightsats
500000 SplashCabo
500000 moonridge
500000 Viva Bitcoin
500000 prague
500000 DFXVoltage1
500000 Eureka
500000 plebdevs
500000 ivpln
500000 BoltRing
500000 mylightningnetwork
500000 thaneoflynwood
500000 Test2023
500000 Closetive
500000 pivotalpleb
500000 jack-test-node
500000 13Prime
500000 Sat-Squeezer
500000 dshiznit2
500000 rec-light-node
500000 RSMC-Lightning
500000 peddling-lettuce-ceramics
500000 Tchaika #12
500000 flurbo
500000 trade-bot-ln
500000 kesezhe
500000 hans-hoppe
500000 MantisDance
500000 CompuGlobalHyperMegaNet
500000 BJCR_lnbits
500000 thunderpay
500000 Satoshi22
500000 lykke
350000 Swfmln
315000 johnchidgeysnode
300000 Wexopay
300000 tokyo
300000 tokyo
299876 doughless
267126 ZettNode
250000 gkrizek
225369 danode
214231 ZRHLN01
200000 FuraLightning
200000 YELLOWMONTANA-v23.08
176971 lightbox
136479 rpb
123000 JUNIORSET-v23.08
116563 faxxe
113446 Skynet | Brazil/SP Branch
100000 battosai
100000 yanabu.com [Korea]
96000 Informatico.x
88650 ln02.bixin.com
86547 🧀
50940 Firebird
50000 trade-bot-ln
50000 nickel172
40000 None
34363 cachupa
25000 None
20000 None