Voltage-c1 Lightning Node

Voltage-c1 Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias Voltage-c1
Last update Jan. 17, 2025, 10:04 a.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Amboss communities Malaysia Nodes⚡️🇲🇾  
Terminal Score #554 (6666666 points)
Channels 273

Capacity Peer
50000000 Voltage
20000000 allNice | torq.co | second.tech
20000000 bigbitcoinbook
20000000 RecklessApotheosis
20000000 libre.org
16777215 Blixt Wallet 🟡
16777215 The Continental
16413946 LNBϟG [Hub-2]
12000000 connect-to-this-node-please
10018793 Nasty_Nardo
10000000 NodeMcNodyface2000
10000000 Harry Potter [node]⚡️
10000000 rockshouse
10000000 Innovative Ibis
6500000 None
6000000 NCSWIC.
5869481 xmrk reloaded
5000000 eklipse
5000000 Ostravskiiii
5000000 1sats.com⚡️lsp.flashsats.xyz
5000000 None
4999999 ACINQ
4000000 Wexopay
3000000 flashsats.xyz
3000000 AbyzLND
3000000 Sunny Sarah ☀️
2778402 Jiashan_UAE
2500000 LOUDTOLL
2179092 Lite Roast
2000000 LQwD-France
2000000 QuantX
2000000 LQwD-Canada
1976629 Jabberwalkee
1826581 my2sats.xyz
1379332 None
1079998 LNBuck3ts
1000000 MUTATRUM
1000000 bxm
1000000 gasparri-hodl
1000000 SwanBTC
989943 KlabusterNode
937500 ffp
745515 HeldenLight
680000 FluxCompensator
650000 🌧️☂️⚡
625094 GALIANO
579538 bitoff
559600 GettNBTC
550000 The Wall
500000 wolfgram
500000 birds
500000 cmb62594
500000 sandbox-mainnet
500000 btcptest
500000 pacmanistan
500000 fqh-light
500000 bitcoinnatal
500000 stugg-rides-the-lightning
500000 pcivault-ln-1
500000 beyla-wallib
500000 CompuGlobalHyperMegaNet
500000 wiley-yoda
500000 satoshis-lol
500000 lifecrafting
500000 turnode
500000 sofonode
500000 ayman
500000 allbits
500000 btctc-node1
500000 RSMC-Lightning
500000 weirdsats
500000 Tchaika #12
500000 flurbo
500000 proofpe
500000 hans-hoppe
500000 Cisleithania Plume
500000 zippy-the-pinhead
500000 trader-leek-fires-lighting
500000 picnic-join-us-here
500000 scavenger43
500000 Baldor1
500000 Descubre Bitcoin
500000 boss-hunter-1
500000 jcglight
500000 gg2025node
500000 256600493638874
500000 greg-lightning-network-node
500000 tbc-backup
500000 bitoffapp
500000 faucethuub
500000 lighting-node33
500000 bitcoin-post-office-01
500000 BTCsupremacy402
500000 solotov100
500000 sarsen-3
500000 AAmint
500000 thunderpay
500000 minerpros
500000 SMARTSL
500000 centaur
500000 bea01
500000 bitretail
500000 SDBM
500000 ingeniousnode1
500000 BJCR_lnbits
500000 s-denver-btc-meetup
500000 BoltRing
500000 blockresearch-lighning-node
500000 tommie
500000 cool-node
500000 otavio-mainet-node
500000 mynode-jdb
500000 mudplus-ln
500000 YooMD
500000 hiqsc
500000 deedee
500000 prod-sats-capital
500000 jdbnode
500000 lucky
500000 leonard
500000 my-node
500000 SatoshiMarket-KR
500000 biz-bloodmoonmilk
500000 anchorline
500000 yanabu.com [Korea]
500000 DFXVoltage1
500000 first-test-node
500000 55jeremy
500000 will-cop-tech
500000 honolulu-bitcoin
500000 LightningVend
500000 kall-1-lightning-node
500000 blpmedia-lnode
500000 funnode
500000 ali-btc
500000 production
500000 jdp-lightning-node
500000 elevipaxa
500000 forbes-solutions-ln
500000 alby-blp
500000 joelvzn
500000 Bitrequest
500000 ALSGoldenWestChapter
500000 avp163ln1
500000 btc-ge
500000 3NCRYPT3D
500000 lnd-node-glz1
500000 donutpay
500000 dominate-mainnet
500000 frigg-wallib
500000 netstream
500000 Joltz-2
500000 PLN
500000 alex-chan-opener-test
500000 netfluid
500000 satsgg-1
500000 diasatsnode
500000 btcpayserver-mainnet
500000 corvidae
500000 Bitsaga.be
500000 ROGER9000NODES
500000 puhbuhruh
500000 SpiralisES
500000 plebdevs
500000 SplashCabo
500000 uk-lightning
500000 alphanode
500000 pym-wyh
500000 volts
500000 barcelona
500000 satolandnode
500000 ecavero
500000 cedvee
500000 dv-amanda
500000 axureous-node
500000 mylightning-node
500000 ai4sats-lightning-node
500000 my-ln-node
500000 steventwt01
500000 Sat-Squeezer
500000 satspay-node
500000 55jlr
500000 mascotte
500000 authln-outside
500000 magnata8272
500000 bitcoineats
500000 carpptn
500000 polaris-node
500000 eye-mkt
500000 stacksatsdaily
500000 bitcoffee
500000 crypto-gear-lnd
500000 cesprs-btc
500000 fenix-lnd-server
500000 topmexico
500000 vvid-inc-lnd
500000 testy
500000 thaneoflynwood
500000 aircrft
500000 dtnexus-lightning-node
500000 lightsats
500000 chariegirl
500000 ultra-lightning
500000 lnflow
500000 the-rage-lightning-node
500000 my-shop
500000 dreamteam
500000 joltz-depix
500000 test-node1
500000 joltz-eulen
500000 tripleseven-development
500000 hl-evm-bridge
500000 oplasys-lightnetwork
500000 purity
500000 20xfive
500000 bnode
500000 pace-node
500000 indeeln
500000 daves-node
500000 btchome
500000 siete77777
500000 aprox-lnd
500000 duracomps-lightening-node
500000 swimcoach-lightning-node
500000 mt-lg-node
500000 my-lightning-noode
500000 cc001
500000 roca-voltage
500000 blockhenge
500000 nostromo
500000 ntwrkfx
500000 bitoff
500000 lnode
500000 bitsalesapp
500000 lana-lightning-node
500000 pleb-post
500000 netgabo-node-lightning
500000 nutatapay
500000 greatest-node
500000 tutorial-test
500000 satoshee-global
500000 Puls Games
500000 mrgames-lightning-node
500000 lightning-node
500000 monero
500000 Berlin B21
500000 test2
500000 User21952
500000 lbeli
500000 scryptys-node
500000 jimjimcb
500000 dominanztrainer
500000 bydXi5-gofxob-zozhov
500000 yyc-btc
500000 yuanfang
500000 origin
350000 Swfmln
315000 johnchidgeysnode
300000 tokyo
300000 tokyo
299876 doughless
250000 gkrizek
123000 JUNIORSET-v23.08
100000 battosai
100000 yanabu.com [Korea]
88650 ln02.bixin.com
50940 Firebird
50000 nickel172
25000 None
20000 None