yanabu.com [Korea] Lightning Node

yanabu.com [Korea] Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias yanabu.com [Korea]
Last update Dec. 8, 2024, 1:34 p.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Amboss communities PLEBNET  
Terminal Score #598 (4694835 points)
Channels 21

Capacity Peer
10000000 lnd2.blink.sv
6000000 BetweenBits1
6000000 lnm-lnd-routing
5000000 Friendspool | BR⚡LN
5000000 SatoshiMarket-KR
5000000 WalletOfSatoshi.com
4000000 okx
3500000 Satbase.org
3100000 Satbase.org
3000000 Kraken 🐙⚡
2036470 Senna-Voltage
2000000 The Bitcoin Company
2000000 LQwD-Canada
1000004 timothy-tailor
1000000 ln.BitSoapBox.com
500003 LQwD-France
500000 Voltage-c1
500000 🌴Bitcoin Hawaii🌴
178505 raspiblitz
100000 Voltage-c1
65000 WelcomeNode_C