Authenticity Lightning Node

Authenticity Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias Authenticity
Last update April 26, 2024, 12:16 p.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Terminal Score #291 (21875000 points)
Channels 42

Capacity Peer
30000000 Boltz
20000000 Kraken 🐙⚡
15000000 CoinPayments
10000000 c=
10000000 Relatively Irrelevant
10000000 Aqua-Pixel
10000000 Sunshine Canyon
10000000 Ps1446
10000000 Bitrue
10000000 BitcoinJungleCR
10000000 Yokes Quebec
10000000 AirHacheNode
10000000 CryptoPrincess
10000000 SirBTC
6000000 JoyeuxNoeuel
6000000 Bit-Digital
5000000 GG
5000000 SaftNode
5000000 Nomadic75
5000000 HappySpork
5000000 Redwing Cherokee
5000000 CE
5000000 hexagon
5000000 UmbrelReach
5000000 Satoshi Monkey Business
3000000 bityogi
3000000 Genesis
2600000 None
2500000 HeavyMoertel
2500000 Workit
2500000 Shtacks_City
2000000 ByteBank
2000000 lightning honk
2000000 ArticFox
2000000 Business Cloud
1500000 VeniceForever
1500000 Loslocosgonzalez
1000000 Pilot of BTC
1000000 start9-0xd178e8fc20d235f9
500000 Voltage-C2
100000 None