c-otto.de Lightning Node

c-otto.de Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias c-otto.de
Last update March 5, 2025, 12:17 a.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Amboss communities Zero Base Fee   Satoshi Radio   Blitz⚡️Dinge  
BOS Score #1 (100000000 points)
Terminal Score #61 (45497630 points)
Channels 93

Capacity Peer
333333333 LNBϟG [Hub-1]
300000000 Binance
222222222 LNBϟG [Hub-3]
203426376 bfx-lnd0
200000000 bfx-lnd0
200000000 adam.masterofpearls.net
195435623 bfx-lnd0
187582602 fixedfloat.com
174000000 bfx-lnd0
170493499 bfx-lnd0
140000000 fixedfloat.com
135725422 fixedfloat.com
133188409 ACINQ
115375349 bfx-lnd0
100000000 LNBϟG [Edge-4]
100000000 Binance
84550092 bfx-lnd1
80000000 Kraken 🐙⚡
75000000 Strike
74000000 bfx-lnd1
68000000 WalletOfSatoshi.com
64608681 SilentBob
63500000 okx
44921406 fixedfloat.com
28629787 NNN
25000000 Net Neutrality
25000000 c=
25000000 Maski.Guatemala protonmail.com
20000000 The Continental
20000000 cyberdyne.sh
20000000 kappa
20000000 paxful
20000000 speed2
20000000 Babylon-4a
20000000 Authenticity
20000000 speed6
20000000 Tatooine
17252149 TangoBolt
15000000 Orange Sunrise
15000000 ln-1.anycoin.cz
15000000 ln-1.anycoin.cz
12500000 LudwigTheAustrian
11000000 xmrk reloaded
10300000 LATES
10169420 ⚡G-Spot-21_69_420⚡
10000000 Rust-eze (now BoltTrustiC)
10000000 Innovative Ibis
10000000 Decentral Station
10000000 BitcoinPlebs.de
10000000 LifeIsGood
10000000 goblin-no.de
10000000 NodeMcNodyface2000
10000000 HowlerNode
10000000 BBB
10000000 CentralEurope🇦🇹
10000000 Handshake
10000000 BitcoinIsTheAnswer
10000000 HydraNode
10000000 Hummingbird
10000000 Bee Tee See
10000000 LNDWarden
10000000 BitcoinJungleCR
10000000 Friendspool | BR⚡LN
8868974 GrumpyMelon
8080000 Imamura
7780866 bconworld⚡|CLN
6802867 MindlinerTre
6500000 HODLmeTight
6000000 BoltLounge
6000000 xrevupx
5250000 Sunshine Canyon
5200000 Schorsch
5100000 Save While You May 💊⚡️
5100000 sol-system
5079024 UnbankMeHarderDaddy
5000000 LQwD-France
5000000 Matrix⚡Defekt
5000000 Kazumyon
5000000 Satway
5000000 Sunny Sarah ☀️
5000000 Ischyrion
5000000 Edelweiss🏔️
5000000 ₿as3menʇ
5000000 None
5000000 ⚡️LiqLink
5000000 BitDorf
5000000 St_Paul | BR⚡️LN
5000000 God Bless ₿itcoin
5000000 None
5000000 Storm the Region
5000000 Lexe.app
3000000 xrevupx
3000000 ochra ...🦉