LNBϟG [Hub-1] Lightning Node

LNBϟG [Hub-1] Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias LNBϟG [Hub-1]
Last update Oct. 24, 2024, 10:02 a.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
BOS Score #14 (80898876 points)
Terminal Score #1 (100000000 points)
Channels 705

Capacity Peer
500000000 bfx-lnd1
500000000 BC.GAME
500000000 BC.GAME
500000000 bfx-lnd0
500000000 bfx-lnd1
500000000 nicehash-ln1
500000000 bfx-lnd1
500000000 bfx-lnd1
500000000 bfx-lnd1
500000000 bfx-lnd1
500000000 bfx-lnd1
500000000 bfx-lnd1
500000000 BC.GAME
500000000 bfx-lnd1
400000000 WalletOfSatoshi.com
400000000 WalletOfSatoshi.com
400000000 WalletOfSatoshi.com
400000000 LNBϟG [Hub-2]
333333333 bfx-lnd0
333333333 1sats.com⚡️lsp.flashsats.xyz
333333333 c-otto.de
333333333 cyberdyne.sh
300000000 nicehash-ln1
300000000 Binance
300000000 Binance
280738868 bfx-lnd1
232265710 yalls.org clearnet-yalls
200000000 LNBϟG [Edge-2]
200000000 1sats.com⚡️lsp.flashsats.xyz
200000000 Alby 🐝 routing ⚡ 1
200000000 LNBϟG [Edge-4]
200000000 1sats.com⚡️lsp.flashsats.xyz
200000000 LNBϟG [Edge-1]
198999906 Garlic🧄
196361541 GoogolBLITZ
189961170 bfx-lnd0
186058085 allNice | torq.co
179157632 bfx-lnd0
150000000 LifeIsGood
141192833 BCash_Is_Trash
125000000 Megalithic.me
123808104 bfx-lnd0
123578087 ⚡G-Spot-21_69_420⚡
120000000 Megalithic.me
108164690 deezy prime ⚡ ✨
100000000 nicehash-ln2
100000000 connect-to-this-node-please
100000000 SpiralisES
100000000 Bitcoinite
100000000 Blixt Wallet 🟡
100000000 Snow
100000000 MindlinerTre
100000000 PaidlyInteractive⚡
88888888 Sunny Sarah ☀️
88888888 Einundzwanzig
88888888 ACINQ
88888888 μbolt|ln
88888888 Babylon-4a
88888888 flashsats.xyz
88888888 IBEX_Routing
88888888 Blixt Wallet 🟡
88888888 bfx-lnd1
88888888 AFRICA🌍
88888888 The Bitcoin Company
88888888 Bitrefill
88888888 IBEX_Ops1
88888888 lnmarkets.com
88888888 paxful
88888888 Voltage
88888888 ⚡G-Spot-21_69_420⚡
88888888 Bitrefill
88888888 yalls.org clearnet-yalls
88888888 MerchantConnectHUB
88888888 lndus0.zaphq.io
88888888 kappa
88888888 goblin-no.de
88888888 MimesisCapitalLN
88888888 yalls.org yalls-tor
88888888 SilentBob!
88888888 RecklessApotheosis
70223579 IBEX_Routing
68662381 ln.solid
68362952 Voltage-C2
65988861 JaimeLoopz
65400535 The Continental
64174689 coincharge
63602730 90511edf48b448df8c97c5
63000000 IBEX_Routing
61500000 PaymentHub
61378852 DitoBanx_P1
57656856 speed2
55474966 PaidlyInteractive⚡
55216836 LQwD-US-West
53059500 PLEB.DEGEN
52195092 LNBϟG Billing
51662921 ThunderHorse2
51338797 rockshouse
50226198 seedor_io
50014555 Blocktank-LND1
50000000 LifeIsGood
50000000 kappa
50000000 Narodowy Bank Polski|NBP
50000000 BitcoinVoucherBot-X
50000000 TangoBolt
50000000 Strike
50000000 sideways
50000000 89cbced350e13021e0d36f
50000000 Zap-O-Matic
50000000 lnnet.work
50000000 flashassets-node
50000000 lnd1.blink.sv
50000000 allNice | torq.co
50000000 CONFIRMO.net
50000000 TangoBolt
50000000 Ripio 🐖
50000000 Neutronpay.com
49027884 ⚡🥪 Sandwich Farm 🥪⚡
47489635 μbolt|ln
46200799 Privacy is not a Crime🐧
45713118 brrrrrrrrr
44800000 Azteco
44444444 🇨🇭 Swiss Bitcoin Pay
40400400 borsche(.Y.)cln0
40000000 hexagon
37500000 ThunderHorse2
36313594 Lightning.Store
35024288 BitcoinVoucherBot-X
34670692 AffordableHub
33989178 Satbase.org
32743776 albatross
32376480 None
30000000 The Rising Ra ☀️
30000000 ln-1.anycoin.cz
29734776 ClubParque
29400000 SailingOffshore
28184998 lifpay.me
28019319 pedroLND
25014528 dv-amanda
25000000 c=
25000000 c=
25000000 ClearMoney⚡
25000000 c=
25000000 c=
24322776 dlclm
24000000 connect-to-this-node-please
22222222 BitcoinVN 22
22222222 IBEX_Ops1
22222222 Moon (paywithmoon.com)
22222222 Tatooine
22222222 LNChamp
22222222 SilentBob!
22222222 LQwD-Canada
22222222 BC.GAME
22222222 Azteco
21160836 Nevermore
21041788 syncro
21000000 KryptoKragon
20958321 silent.link
20011531 LNBϟG Billing
20011531 Satoshi Monkey Business
20003934 fewsats
20000000 HanzoNode
20000000 speed1
20000000 speed1
20000000 Nautilus
20000000 ElSalvadorPayments
20000000 🚀RocketNode🚀
20000000 DiamondHands💎🙌
20000000 Garlic🧄
20000000 NPAY
19979590 _LEGALIZE_MATH_
19569941 ⚡️ BitRocket.co ⚡️
19489558 Forever Laura
19000000 lightning.emzy.de
18722776 Tiger 🐯 | BR⚡️LN
18475283 None
17582093 🧡💊OrangePill4U💊🧡
17558312 antinoderati
17000000 Mintter
16829112 lnmarkets.com
16777215 The Nodestrich ♾️
16777215 🚀RocketNode🚀
16777215 DARTHNODE
16777215 NewMoney
16777215 LightningPlaces.com
16777215 NorthernStar
16777215 lnnet.work
16777215 BitKassa LN34961 [LND]
16777215 rainy-day
16777215 Acinonyx Jubatus
16777215 Taranis
16777215 BJCR_BTCPayServer
16777215 ⚡️ STACKER.NEWS ⚡️
16777215 JoyeuxNoeuel
16777215 zoe
16777215 Start9 HQ
16777215 noudi.swiss🦄
16777215 🚀RocketNode🚀
16777215 ByzantineGeneralSpecific
16777215 1ML.com node ALPHA
16777215 BitKassa LN34961 [LND]
16777215 SunLight Node
16777215 BTS_lightning
16777215 None
16777215 rainy-day
16777215 Decentral Station
16777215 LightningPlaces.com
16777215 Enigmafi
16777215 None
16777215 F You Money! 01
16777215 Acinonyx Jubatus
16777215 None
16777215 None
16777215 TheSpiceMustFlow
16777215 flypdev
16777215 CoinPayments
16777000 Frontier
16770618 NNN
16770000 AnonLN
16392369 bitmax
16296882 tunestr.io
16192867 BtcPrague
16103456 None
16100318 ln1.generalbytes.com
16081279 sendNodes.space
16055805 BitcoinPlebs.de
16000000 allNice | torq.co
16000000 Kraken 🐙⚡
16000000 Kerosene
16000000 UXUY
16000000 ln1.generalbytes.com
16000000 None
16000000 DitoBanx_W1
16000000 Aliens LaNDing 👽
16000000 F You Money! 01
16000000 CryptoChill
16000000 wyssblitz
16000000 mulleirocorp
16000000 F You Money! 02
16000000 tippin.me
16000000 okx
16000000 fixedfloat.com
16000000 The Bitcoin Company
16000000 Elbandi.Net
16000000 LunaNode
16000000 ThunderHorse2
16000000 covachita
16000000 AnonLN
16000000 Babylon-4a
16000000 Sunshine Canyon
16000000 None
16000000 Sunny Sarah ☀️
16000000 coinhodler04108
16000000 Neutronpay.com
16000000 PLN
16000000 SimpleFX
16000000 e960fd8385a1603003727
16000000 Bitrefill
15812614 Blitz_CryptoDuke
15422086 ln1.generalbytes.com
15325151 None
15142676 Solo Satoshi
15069075 AndeAndeLumut
15034298 RaspiRay
15000000 Marcus Aurelius
15000000 Henwen 🐷
15000000 IRATEFEED
15000000 Marcus Aurelius
15000000 Orange Sunrise
14712782 Buda.com
14361363 Hermes⚡Conrad
13890411 Vegvisir
13735252 ln.solid
13622773 Relatively Irrelevant
13332843 DeutscheBank|CLN
13313091 ln1.generalbytes.com
12871226 LightningNetwork.Plus
12817644 Lite Roast
12745363 HolaRojo
12400548 JaimeLoopz
12239796 scarce-city
12100000 i'llTryAnythingOnce
12069585 Ln_Prints
12000000 Satstralia | LND
11473388 TheOlympian
11252329 fewsats
11035949 tomorrow-alpha
11016980 xmrk reloaded
11007081 MoonDust
10888801 ln.solid
10640843 ☝ Big Channel Node ⚡
10487591 XanthinTwin
10138078 RLightning
10094854 N1ROX
10063253 NotATesla
10059279 Saidl.cz
10038614 ChainDuel
10017609 ⚡Fiat Lux⚡
10007161 Tiankii.com ElSalvador
10006296 BJCR_BTCPayServer
10000000 Ninzabtc
10000000 Kazumyon
10000000 stingy_with_satoshis
10000000 Forever Laura | CLN
10000000 Shockwave Rider
10000000 Ps1446
10000000 BitcoinJungleCR
10000000 auntie-ellen
10000000 Eprahs
10000000 The Bitcoin Company
10000000 BC.GAME
10000000 rkfg
10000000 Babylon-4a
10000000 Satway
10000000 Olympus by ZEUS
10000000 rs-lightning-node
10000000 ⚡️MasterYoda⚡
10000000 Satashi Labs
10000000 PinsLNN_01
10000000 Chessa ✨
10000000 HanzoNode
10000000 None
10000000 LifeIsGood
10000000 XeggeX
10000000 ⚡RBlitzOne⚡
10000000 AQUARIOUS
10000000 POWB
10000000 🛡 Don Quixote Bank 🚩
10000000 Sally Acorn
10000000 IBEX_Ops2
9675780 BTS_lightning
9531439 bitcoinmakesense.com
9000000 ostinvestor
8993865 sparkseer.space / lnnodeinsight
8019548 None
7970456 Obi-Wan Cryptobi
7500000 try-bitcoin.com
7457386 None
7070000 Imamura
7000000 pklbtc-lnd
6755928 BuffaloDyl
6700000 TennisNbtc
6483703 LNDWarden
6400000 None
6200000 None
6096929 ⚡Rebelc🔰NRB⚡
6075646 Rabbit_bits
6050000 A Series Of Tubes
6000000 Towiz⚡
6000000 Die-Tor-Node
6000000 ln.visitor.us
6000000 AnonLN
6000000 pi400
6000000 Shire_Society_Federation
6000000 None
5936244 connect-to-this-node-please
5882776 SailingOffshore
5700000 T4m010ORG
5601661 HappySpork
5552227 None
5500000 ETNODE
5225705 None
5162284 Bank of BOTNIK
5150468 FranksNODE
5100000 LightningSats
5088607 Patsak
5042112 ctrb.io
5021931 guyfawkes
5016156 maplehara
5010000 cwallet.com
5010000 Dolphin
5000000 RapidLightning3
5000000 HODLmeTight
5000000 AliveAndFluffy
5000000 OrangeFren.com
5000000 Jodler
5000000 aybabtu
5000000 Ocean Satoshi
5000000 mission.node👼
5000000 St_Paul | BR⚡️LN
5000000 CoinBank
5000000 eklipse
5000000 ming
5000000 BTC-Tahoe-LND1
5000000 flashsats.xyz
5000000 Sayonator
5000000 SR3
5000000 MuOnlineLatino
5000000 hexagon
5000000 primelight
5000000 noscription2
5000000 ITDestro⚡
5000000 Maski.Guatemala protonmail.com
5000000 None
5000000 mynodebtc.com [myNode]
5000000 sarsen-1
5000000 Super Node
5000000 RecklessApotheosis
5000000 SuperChamp
5000000 pklbtc-lnd
5000000 nicehash-ln1
5000000 🎩 Mad Hatter 🤪
5000000 clayop
5000000 TheRollingSatoshis
5000000 BitcoinWarrior.net
5000000 Storm the Region
5000000 OhThisLooksSafe
5000000 1satrouting
5000000 Bitcoin and History
5000000 KookSlum
5000000 rewards-prod
5000000 lazydrone
5000000 RakaNode
5000000 BaenreGod
5000000 Martian Bitcoin
4690368 LNBϟG Billing
4581617 ln.dynet.com
4500000 CentralLondonBlitz
4500000 dv-amanda
4209810 Acinonyx Jubatus
4200000 d0d0UmbrelLightning
4035827 None
4023369 🇨🇭 Valais
4011133 LNBϟG [Edge-2]
4005534 Thunderstruck⚡
4000000 sparkBlitz
4000000 M4j0rByte Start9
4000000 helloworld
4000000 suniwallet
4000000 None
4000000 Highway to Hell
4000000 The feel-good place
4000000 Ngu Technologies
4000000 Save While You May 💊⚡️
4000000 the27thMONKEY
4000000 ByteBank
4000000 DILLON, You son of a bitch!
4000000 BTCMarvin
4000000 Node Macdonald
3991937 DiamondHands💎🙌
3973712 BC.GAME
3900000 Best Channel.Satoshi
3650000 Playbot.eu - Bender 🚀⚡
3500000 None
3500000 General-Cosmic-Company
3500000 LooTandScooT
3411229 Lucky.Dog
3239989 ln.achoopani.test
3206834 MCX⚡
3160651 Lightning Satoshi Vision
3078846 amenano
3020000 None
3009116 LNBϟG Billing
3000000 LQwD-France
3000000 None
3000000 theblockchain.cz
3000000 pollofeed-node-1
3000000 Best Channel.Satoshi
3000000 xrevupx
3000000 Hamish [myNodeBTC.com]
3000000 Obi-Wan Cryptobi
3000000 mandycat
3000000 skybladephoenix
3000000 LQwD-France
3000000 RockTheLightning
2950000 shadowysuperstore.com
2939940 None
2848165 ln02.bixin.com
2637526 None
2506303 LNDreamMachine
2503697 LNBϟG Billing
2500000 Diesel
2500000 manreo.github.io
2500000 bitpi
2500000 SalentoSoleMareVento
2500000 silent.link
2500000 cRaNkEd
2500000 LNShortcut.ovh
2500000 Ochra
2457354 None
2087247 CoinPlaza.it
2065297 LNBϟG [Edge-1]
2062956 Satoshi Monkey Business
2054446 AkerDelta
2027770 PLEBNET.org⚡VTWOLF
2020000 >>> OUTPOST <<<
2000000 LQwD-Canada
2000000 Vespasian LN
2000000 FluxCompensator
2000000 nodorobico
2000000 EnduraUmb-I
2000000 None
2000000 Unwetter
2000000 ☃️⚡SKADI⚡❄️
2000000 None
2000000 rewards-4
2000000 FranksNODE
2000000 Handshake
2000000 Mike Golf
2000000 None
2000000 Phat Node
2000000 RmC
2000000 Dodobrel
2000000 KIWILAMB
2000000 lnwAsanee
2000000 LittleByLittle
2000000 snakeoil
2000000 Sensei's New Dojo
2000000 TheFrenchy⚡️
2000000 Edelweiss🏔️
2000000 Wayfinder🦆
2000000 BassetHound
2000000 hirish-ln
2000000 Martian Bitcoin
2000000 None
2000000 None
1996643 LNBϟG Billing
1673847 Dolphanarchist nodl [LND]
1637909 Cozy
1550000 Green Ville | CLN
1501000 Node
1500000 rewards-4
1500000 PixelNode
1500000 None
1500000 None
1500000 SimpleMoo
1500000 JAWilson, Esq.
1480495 Caffeine ☕️
1438805 tippin.me
1400000 Ottothedog [myNode]
1322248 🧀
1300000 FOSS
1300000 BitcoinLibertyWallets
1300000 aBtSpot
1270000 Elevation9328
1200000 cryptologica
1200000 None
1179000 lnbright.com
1165050 Bitcoin Suisse ⚡ (2)
1160561 Jabberwalkee
1121615 Domitai Bitcoin
1106861 blitz
1098546 None
1050000 JXLightning
1046023 None
1030809 None
1020000 __Fix_the_System__
1019949 YOURWIFI
1013291 None
1002200 LNBϟG Billing
1001124 None
1000000 None
1000000 None
1000000 bxm
1000000 node.runner-01.bsb∴
1000000 Nevermore
1000000 BuckingBolts⚡️
1000000 None
1000000 PatrickV
1000000 Hodlnap
1000000 Best Channel.Satoshi
1000000 Dawn of Freedom
1000000 OrangeHimbeerBlitz
1000000 RoosterBolt
1000000 Punctured Bicycle
1000000 ln.BitSoapBox.com
1000000 ok_node
1000000 None
1000000 MustBeNice032f643e136ed241ed1d
1000000 TwentyOne
1000000 Jimbolt Ventures
1000000 Megablitz⚡
1000000 Lightning Base
1000000 None
1000000 streamturbine
1000000 👻RouteMASTER🛸
1000000 Initech
1000000 ln.mycloudware.net [03]
1000000 None
1000000 lnmxx
1000000 nodejesstoneunturned
1000000 drog-node
1000000 D.L.S🏜⚡🌪️
1000000 NCSWIC.
990000 AYLSAokTyCphMs4nYXK94ZahHXsax2
939330 nerdydragon
900000 MindMiningLight
900000 Buzz9474
879535 LowFeesHighOnLife🏔️
847296 Coin.Space
800000 Blesk
800000 LN-Fukaya Japan
780303 BitKassa LN34961 [LND]
753932 None
750000 None
750000 NoBordersState
731717 None
725000 None
712123 BotHunter
700000 freejungle.net
700000 Stallion
700000 The Grove HQ
608601 CF34-3B1
600000 BankofMe
600000 ZoneUK
600000 LightningFaucet.com
600000 LightMFree
600000 knudix-mini
600000 None
575771 rompert.hashposition.com🔵
560000 🛡 Don Quixote Bank 🚩
550000 raspi
547410 SKYRUS
527297 Miwa.lanciami.i.componenti
508177 qubi1
500000 CryptoChicagoCore
500000 lrm_btc
500000 Toda
500000 zynos
500000 ZamaLNCenter
500000 Jubilee
500000 SigeviBlitz
500000 None
500000 Tulipex Lightning
500000 None
500000 None
500000 None
500000 PSI
500000 DeplorableCarnivore
500000 PeerName.com
500000 SuperLND
500000 BoltChev
500000 bklightning.com
500000 ziostanko
500000 None
500000 qubi1
500000 None
500000 None
500000 None
500000 None
500000 Softservice
500000 thereisnoalternative
500000 RaspiBlitz2
400000 None
400000 laser lightning
327045 LNBϟG [Edge-3]
301276 LNBϟG Billing
300000 LNBϟG Billing
300000 None
300000 LNBϟG Billing
300000 None
300000 None
290000 None
250000 Blockstudent
250000 HouseofBlockchain
250000 tokencontainermodel
223021 the0ther
200000 stg-mainnet-node1-custom
200000 AkerGammaLu
200000 None
200000 deZentraliZe
200000 Gorilla Sats
200000 fs4r224
200000 WarpDrive
200000 LNBϟG Billing
200000 Monte Cristoz
200000 None
160793 Royalty⚡️Finance
150000 Fromagefrait
120000 None
117685 tokyo
100000 CryptoLightningMax
100000 None
100000 Stratech
100000 sager
100000 None
100000 Rglobal 365
100000 Bibo
100000 None
100000 cks
100000 None