speed1 Lightning Node

speed1 Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias speed1
Last update Dec. 17, 2024, 9:16 a.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Amboss communities LQwD  
Terminal Score #186 (18779342 points)
Channels 55

Capacity Peer
400000000 c=
400000000 c=
200000000 c=
200000000 c=
100000000 c=
100000000 connect-to-this-node-please
64000000 cyberdyne.sh
54000000 Megalithic.me
50000000 speed6
50000000 speed6
50000000 Satbase.org
50000000 ACINQ
50000000 speed2
35000000 fixedfloat.com
25000000 The Continental
25000000 MUTATRUM
25000000 Strike
25000000 bfx-lnd0
25000000 LQwD-Canada
25000000 Sunny Sarah ☀️
23000000 fixedfloat.com
21767379 BCash_Is_Trash
20000000 Boltz
20000000 Kraken 🐙⚡
20000000 LNBϟG [Hub-1]
20000000 allNice | torq.co
20000000 bfx-lnd0
20000000 speed2
20000000 Strike
20000000 bfx-lnd1
20000000 Zap-O-Matic
20000000 WalletOfSatoshi.com
20000000 Garlic🧄
20000000 ACINQ
20000000 LightningNetwork.Plus
20000000 bfx-lnd1
20000000 The Captain [Coincept.com]
20000000 okx
20000000 okx
20000000 nicehash-ln1
20000000 speed6
20000000 Kraken 🐙⚡
20000000 LNBϟG [Hub-1]
20000000 speed6
17000000 DiamondHands💎🙌
16800000 i'llTryAnythingOnce
16160000 Imamura
16000000 Blocktank-LND3
16000000 Kazumyon
16000000 NCSWIC.
15000000 031015a7839468a3c
12000000 LNBϟG [Edge-1]
10000000 Azteco
10000000 CryptoChill
10000000 None