LNBϟG [Edge-3] Lightning Node

LNBϟG [Edge-3] Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias LNBϟG [Edge-3]
Last update Dec. 20, 2024, 1:30 a.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
BOS Score #297 (4494382 points)
Terminal Score #31 (76102088 points)
Channels 257

Capacity Peer
500000000 bfx-lnd1
400000000 TangoBolt
264766398 e960fd8385a1603003727
200000000 LNBϟG [Hub-3]
200000000 LNBϟG [Hub-2]
200000000 Kraken 🐙⚡
100000000 Zap-O-Matic
100000000 cwallet.com
100000000 lnd2.blink.sv
100000000 The Continental
100000000 kappa
100000000 pedroLND
100000000 Bitrefill
100000000 Connects Back
100000000 Kazumyon
100000000 Zap-O-Matic
94075498 lnm-lnd-routing
88412093 TangoBolt
81800000 ostinvestor
79941995 Shire_Society_Federation
71725627 ElenPAY⚡
71380041 ANI.TRAMX4
63025000 bitz23
50219036 CryptoChill
50000000 flashassets-node
50000000 1sats.com⚡️lsp.flashsats.xyz
50000000 NNN
50000000 lnd2.blink.sv
50000000 NNN
50000000 flashassets-node
50000000 ACINQ
50000000 allNice | torq.co
50000000 ACINQ
50000000 cyberdyne.sh
49387784 ElenPAY⚡
42531389 wallet-of-UXUY
31099943 OpenNode.com
30422349 CONFIRMO.net
30000000 The Rising Ra ☀️
30000000 AnonLN
27000000 ostinvestor
25000000 c=
25000000 c=
25000000 c=
25000000 c=
25000000 c=
25000000 V4VAPP Hive Bridge
25000000 c=
25000000 c=
25000000 c=
24938875 F@ckedBitcoin.com
22222222 lnd2.blink.sv
22000000 Sunny Sarah ☀️
20869863 <script>alert("LDK");</script>
20719195 CryptoChill
20126609 flashassets-node
20000000 Azteco
20000000 ElSalvadorPayments
19492563 CentralWankers_CLN
18339565 F@ckedBitcoin.com
16778548 LNBϟG Billing
16777215 DeutscheBank|CLN
16777215 HashQuark02
16777215 CoinPayments
16777215 wobloz
16777214 ⚡Liberty⚡🗽
16773357 NNN
16700000 ed528ad49bedd1f7a638a
16590511 Tifi
16590511 Tifi
16534160 aybabtu
16068968 ln1.kvapay.com
16000000 None
16000000 JayhawkPleb
16000000 dlclm
16000000 Seven of Nine
16000000 zlnd5
16000000 Friendspool | BR⚡LN
16000000 LQwD-England
16000000 Tiger 🐯 | BR⚡️LN
16000000 Relatively Irrelevant
16000000 AffordableHub
16000000 🧡💊OrangePill4U💊🧡
16000000 V4VAPP Hive Bridge
16000000 Middle Way ₿⚡🌊
16000000 HanzoNode 🐶
16000000 OPAGO
16000000 NodeMcNodyface
16000000 new-zealand-official-node
16000000 Blitz_CryptoDuke
16000000 RoutingHub⚡
16000000 AbyzLND
15262994 Blocktank-LND3
14000000 μbolt|ln
13173556 None
11600000 HappySpork
10725500 Lohkotek 1
10528010 None
10288647 Tomas_H
10225415 BrokenThunder⚡
10147126 hellasbit-lnd01
10137872 Tiankii.com ElSalvador
10134445 None
10121319 None
10096154 Wallace
10048548 coincharge
10035310 Stallion
10006500 frontiblitz
10000000 Maski.Guatemala protonmail.com
10000000 BitDorf
10000000 Rising Tide
10000000 HODLmeTight
10000000 Towiz⚡
10000000 SatoshiIsProudOfUs
10000000 None
9963636 None
9000000 Johoe
8720875 adlerhorst3
8660057 cypherpunk-store
8454694 Bitcoin-Ekasi
8340000 barcelona
7955042 None
7625482 bustabit
7200000 None
7199598 Jalisco
6489473 Eprahs
6360186 Bitcoin Suisse ⚡ (2)
6232500 LNClash
6200063 LQwD-Indonesia
6117500 mustang2
6061111 ThunderMule 🚀⚡
6060000 Imamura
6024726 tara
6006513 Almeidig
6000250 nothing cooking
6000000 CentralLondonBlitz
6000000 Die-Tor-Node
5776640 Lucky.Dog
5756092 INIM San Miguel
5515624 LNBϟG Billing
5400000 p.zax.cloud
5228149 Satograms
5084085 MindlinerTre
5041667 Hadaikum
5040184 Il Priorato 🙏🧡
5000000 flashsats.xyz
5000000 hexagon
5000000 hexagon
5000000 Aliens LaNDing 👽
5000000 Satashi Labs
5000000 RecklessApotheosis
5000000 TonySly
4500000 HashQuark02
4142184 MCX⚡
4130935 Arolla
3920000 RakaNode
3802457 CoinPayments
3500000 RapidLightning3
3088755 TravelMap
3020000 ketominer 🥩 [nodl]
3000000 Obi-Wan Cryptobi
3000000 theblockchain.cz
2979925 🧀
2978885 SatsForFreedom
2893679 VVVVV
2705491 Fran_78
2650770 btcbrother
2579138 Nirvati
2501553 Tovarisch
2500000 bitcoin01
2500000 VIDA.live
2410831 Liberate Life
2110060 None
2106505 Orange Spork
2100000 Dawn of Freedom
2053947 Zion Bitcoin5
2000000 TSMCO
2000000 VVVVV
2000000 hirish-ln
2000000 WearsMyLibertyLND
2000000 F@ckedBitcoin.com
1665374 spritz
1500000 Hoth
1500000 virtual.PegasusNZ.com
1092180 😎​nodeboltrunner
1065688 ln02.bixin.com
1061193 degesz-node
1053971 bolt12.info
1038367 Neptun
1031037 Unsigned503
1012000 FlyingHawk-Blitz
1000000 Best Channel.Satoshi
1000000 Pokemoncollectie.nl
1000000 IxefLNDnode
1000000 MUTATRUM
1000000 NCSWIC.
1000000 sparky
990000 AYLSAokTyCphMs4nYXK94ZahHXsax2
988768 RabbitBlitz
970000 xxmnl
965872 lnd.woode.net
954221 VVVVV
937854 None
892750 tokyo
859956 CoinsOfNakamoto.com
800000 LN-Fukaya Japan
799399 SKYRUS
750000 None
738194 tippin.me
615266 Ottothedog [myNode]
547982 SatsForFreedom
546899 the0ther
500000 CoinPlaza.it
500000 virtual.PegasusNZ.com
500000 X-59
500000 Jubilee
496323 Alice_<3_Bob
482829 BitcoinRocket-LN ⚡₿
481454 mynodebtc.com [myNode]
402498 LNBϟG Billing
400000 Sashi Nakata
327045 LNBϟG [Hub-1]
300000 n0.mci.cloud
287684 lnd7392mks786
230379 None
200000 LongBeachIslandNJ[mynode]
200000 LNBϟG Billing
200000 Neptun
200000 nikola-tesla
181394 None
180000 FAT32
176718 Stregatto[LND]
173128 None
120000 Zion Bitcoin5
100000 LNBϟG [Edge-1]
100000 LNBϟG Billing
100000 PirateHash
100000 SaigonOne
100000 Coin.Space
100000 SaigonOne
100000 deZentraliZe
100000 None
100000 Somabase LND
100000 ayuslighting
100000 portisLightningNode
100000 insightful-bits-mainnet
100000 Zion Bitcoin5
100000 None
100000 LNBϟG Billing
100000 Jefizzle
42615 HamSandwich