OPAGO Lightning Node

OPAGO Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Last update Oct. 11, 2024, 10:51 a.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Terminal Score #466 (7710843 points)
Channels 25

Capacity Peer
16000000 LNBϟG [Edge-3]
10777980 Strike
10000000 lnd2.blink.sv
10000000 ACINQ
10000000 bfx-lnd1
7500000 MichaelAntonFischer
5000000 WalletOfSatoshi.com
5000000 ⏳ TimeCatcher
5000000 The Continental
4000000 bigGnode
3000000 SpookyPaymentAtADistance
2000000 🇨🇭 Swiss Bitcoin Pay
2000000 Amboss.Space
1617069 ulrichard.ch
1500000 None
1450000 None
1169420 ⚡G-Spot-21_69_420⚡
1100000 LQwD-Canada
1081863 Dendy.Node
1069420 ⚡G-Spot-21_69_420⚡
1000000 TaurusNode
1000000 FreeThePeople
850000 LightningTESTER.COM
350000 Orange_Naglfar
105000 Orange_Naglfar