lightning honk Lightning Node

lightning honk Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias lightning honk
Last update Sept. 13, 2024, 5:44 a.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Terminal Score #344 (15492957 points)
Channels 17

Capacity Peer
4000000 Sunny Sarah ☀️
2500000 xmrk reloaded
2250000 RAϟKO
2000000 F-Node2022
2000000 LQwD-Canada
2000000 Authenticity
2000000 LOUDIRON
2000000 God Bless ₿itcoin
2000000 Mount🔸🗻🔸Satmore
2000000 ChurchOfBitcoin
2000000 wyssblitz
2000000 The Nodestrich ♾️
2000000 Storm the Region
2000000 Friendspool | BR⚡LN
2000000 Pharlap
2000000 LNServerFocus
1800000 eJusLND