YOLOSpirit βœŒοΈπŸ’“πŸŒŸπŸš― Lightning Node

YOLOSpirit βœŒοΈπŸ’“πŸŒŸπŸš― Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias YOLOSpirit βœŒοΈπŸ’“πŸŒŸπŸš―
Last update Oct. 11, 2024, 12:10 p.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Terminal Score #645 (4819277 points)
Channels 23

Capacity Peer
5734263 okx
5264376 WalletOfSatoshi.com
5159591 Sunny Sarah β˜€οΈ
5089170 lnmarkets.com
5000000 TheOlympian
5000000 lnmarkets.com
5000000 bfx-lnd1
5000000 lnmarkets.com
5000000 The Continental
5000000 XeggeX
5000000 Friendspool | BR⚑LN
5000000 ⚑️MasterYoda⚑
4998711 LNShortcut.ovh
4968407 Kazumyon
3785187 Boltz
3000000 8DegreesWO
3000000 Malum Necessarium
2835848 Bitrefill
2044653 XeggeX
2000000 raspi1
1631502 Kraken πŸ™βš‘
1500000 a48lnd