Ostravskiiii Lightning Node

Ostravskiiii Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias Ostravskiiii
Last update Dec. 20, 2024, 12:08 p.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Amboss communities Nodestrich   Diamond Hands   PLEBNET  
Terminal Score #361 (11799410 points)
Channels 43

Capacity Peer
6000000 ACINQ
5335001 LNBϟG [Hub-2]
5000000 μbolt|ln
5000000 Die-Tor-Node
5000000 YTMND
5000000 Voltage-c1
5000000 MicelioMadrid
5000000 8DegreesWO
5000000 WalletOfSatoshi.com
4000000 Start9 HQ
4000000 Boltz|CLN
4000000 LnBlackJack.com ♠️
3500000 balbyBTCnode
3500000 Blizzardclaw Ikeh
3000000 xmrk reloaded
3000000 🇨🇭 Swiss Bitcoin Pay
2100000 Tierra
2100000 Tierra
2100000 BYOBnHODL
2000010 Bisontopia
2000010 vLightPay
2000000 U got IT
2000000 LightningFastHardMoneyNode
2000000 MUTATRUM
2000000 MoonDust
2000000 antistate
2000000 Eldorado
2000000 TheRollingSatoshis
2000000 nicehash-ln1
1200000 Volarte⚡
1200000 CoinPayments
1000000 BitwePay-LN1
1000000 ₿iri₿iri
1000000 citadel21
1000000 HiruTheStarlinkedCat
1000000 ln-1.anycoin.cz
1000000 MoonDust
1000000 Noderunner.miepmiep
1000000 NodeyMcNodeface01
1000000 HIGH-WAY.ME
1000000 BTC_USA
1000000 The Highlander 🏔️