@LightningTipBot Lightning Node

@LightningTipBot Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias @LightningTipBot
Last update March 30, 2024, 11:52 a.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Terminal Score #575 (11666666 points)
Channels 61

Capacity Peer
16777215 ACINQ
16777215 RecklessApotheosis
16777215 031015a7839468a3c
16000000 MindlinerTre
15000000 ACINQ
10210000 BitcoinVN 22
10000000 BENCOIN
10000000 Alby 🐝 routing ⚡ 1
8000000 The Great Northern 🌲
6900000 Hermes⚡Conrad
6000000 sparkBlitz
5837954 zappa
5508518 naglfar
5462292 noserver4u | CLN
5095153 BrokenThunder⚡
5002000 coincharge
5000000 NikolaTesla
5000000 Node168⚡
5000000 Nordlys
5000000 Boltimore
4206900 Go Brrr | LND
4000000 zehkstoshiⒶ
4000000 bigGnode
4000000 Patsak
3136082 jb55.com
3100000 DarthPikachu
3000000 Sunny Sarah ☀️
3000000 MrBits
3000000 The Nodestrich ♾️
3000000 LordBit
3000000 Nevermore
3000000 LNDISCS
3000000 Mister BlackHat
3000000 Satsback.com
2542000 HerzAusGold
2500000 Sally Acorn
2100000 ValueofBitcoin.com
2100000 AxelF2Blitz
2000000 Green Ville | CLN
2000000 SpookyPaymentAtADistance
2000000 shadetree
2000000 SambalOelek
2000000 pacmanistan
2000000 JayAdAstra
2000000 Little Cozy Node 🕯
2000000 RockTheLightning
2000000 PhilLightning
2000000 AnimeWaifuDaily(Nostr)
2000000 LOUDFARM
2000000 ByteBank
2000000 Waldinode
2000000 ⚡The-Lightning-Ride⚡
2000000 TennisNbtc
1000000 ⚡G-Spot-21_69_420⚡
1000000 Noderunner
1000000 None
1000000 GeldBoerse
1000000 Lucky.Dog
300000 ⚡G-Spot-21_69_420⚡