albatross Lightning Node

albatross Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias albatross
Last update April 19, 2024, 6:06 a.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Channels 54

Capacity Peer
32743776 LNBϟG [Hub-1]
21000000 antinoderati
16000000 LNBϟG [Edge-1]
10000000 DorianIsMySatoshi
10000000 SYZYGY
10000000 GeldBoerse
10000000 ⚡TheBebop⚡
10000000 LateStageAustriaHungary🇺🇦
10000000 hans-hoppe
10000000 Umbasa
10000000 RaspiBlitzMoJa1
10000000 Azteco
10000000 1satrouting
8000000 MCRNDonnager
5000000 balbyBTCnode
5000000 UnbankMeHarderDaddy
5000000 xzSpace
5000000 Rust-eze (now BoltTrustiC)
5000000 Redwing Cherokee
5000000 AlphaStreet
5000000 None
5000000 H0DLem
5000000 Authenticity
5000000 be-kind_ZA🇿🇦
5000000 _ErBNODE_
5000000 Nomadic75
5000000 adlerhorst3
5000000 rkfg
5000000 MicelioMadrid
5000000 LQwD-Italy
4000000 the27thMonkey
4000000 JAYWALK
4000000 Liaoning
3005000 eTernity_nOde
3000000 ⚡LightThisNow⚡
3000000 GTB_LN-node1
3000000 Sunshine Canyon
2500000 HeavyMoertel
2500000 ziostanko
2500000 Nutmeg
2000000 LNServerFocus
2000000 Pilot of BTC
2000000 13Node
1000000 Happy Banana 😃🍌
1000000 ⚡speedysats ⚡
1000000 Akage
1000000 inspectorcoin
1000000 T🌮CO
1000000 markwaldo
1000000 Zero Fee Routing Mission Plan <B
800000 Belfast
200000 GermanGate