hashrelay.com Lightning Node

hashrelay.com Lightning Node

Node info as seen by the CheeseRobot node:

Alias hashrelay.com
Last update June 4, 2024, 2:54 p.m.
Peer graph Peer graph
Node Key
URI (Tor)
Different explorers Amboss 1ml Fiatjaf LNChannels LN+ Mempool.Space
Terminal Score #68 (66431095 points)
Channels 72

Capacity Peer
50151313 Kraken 🐙⚡
35295833 Strike
33916839 Boltz|CLN
32694065 Zap-O-Matic
29998561 The Continental
24776748 cyberdyne.sh
23598478 Blockstream PeerSwap
22356426 machankura-z
22160598 LV-426 🌌
20316718 c=
18854285 DitoBanx_W1
18810435 Ang Sinah
18050096 bfx-lnd0
17876532 ThunderHorse2
17273424 TangoBolt
16416666 IBEX_Ops1
16349829 LQwD-Canada
14515976 ed528ad49bedd1f7a638a
14421635 SilentBob
14197658 St_Paul | BR⚡️LN
14125905 Bitnob
12472954 Voltage Flow 2.0
11764380 DeltaGap
11668989 1sats.com⚡️lsp.flashsats.xyz
11204375 8DegreesWO
10670833 nothing cooking 🧑‍🍳
10509645 PaidlyInteractive2⚡
10148637 Aldebaran
10096250 Sunny Sarah ☀️
10000000 Azteco
9468312 adam.masterofpearls.net
9163932 TennisNbtc
9150173 WalletOfSatoshi.com
8881169 Kazumyon
8763342 BitcoinLizard
7812244 noserver4u | CLN
7212662 Blocktank
6979217 God Bless ₿itcoin
6936041 bfx-lnd1
6156250 ⚡yourdevice.ch⚡
6144931 🚀RocketNode🚀
5907056 ln-1.anycoin.cz
5857461 Satway
5355937 PiLN-Chiba🌳Magma Ready🌋
5269750 Raspiblitz
4978518 EnduraUmb-I
4440997 Joltfun.com Game Shop 👾
4408859 Volarte⚡
4316736 slicksparks.ky
4309375 LQwD-Germany
4041679 LNBϟG [Edge-1]
4040000 Imamura
3820026 ⏳ TimeCatcher
3547788 Boltz
3513166 Babylon-4a
3410932 Bitrefill Routing
3013004 nicehash-ln1
2811559 LQwD-SouthKorea
2112601 PurpleWisteria
1690617 kappa
1489812 LightningNetwork.Plus
1477500 ACINQ
1327488 1ML.com node ALPHA
899460 tokyo
554062 m0k_3 📡 peer.farm
266606 RaiderAdam
215498 bjablitz1
180000 Cow
104000 connectingNodes